Sunday, December 22, 2013

Life in the Solar System

Extremophiles are living organisms that survive in areas that humans could not. That is why the extreme is at the beginning. Human could not live in certain extreme conditions such as places that do not have liquid water or a type of source of nutrients. We also could not live somewhere where we were unable to receive energy, such as sunlight or chemical reactions, food sources. Life is proven to live in many extreme circumstances that we could not. For example scientist have found that organisms can live in hot water, microscopic life forms have also been found deep underwater were no sunlight at all could possibly touch them giving them the disadvantage of not having a source of energy. Scientist have also found microbes living inside rock in Antarctica in the most extreme freezing temperatures living off of only a tiny droplet of water. If these organisms can live in places like these on Earth were we would not be able to live then why would they not be able to survive on another planet in that planets conditions even if we would not be able to do so. Not every organic molecules needs to survive off of nutrients, energy, and liquid water. We know nutrients and energy should be on every planet in our solar system because our star the Sun provides sunlight to all planets, some more than others. Even the planets closest to the sun could be harboring some type of microorganisms because here on Earth we have found some that have survived years of high doses of radiation to such extremes that a human would not last a second (Bennett, Donahue, Schneider & Voit, 2012, p.510).

It is really exciting to think of Europa to have a liquid water ocean, this has to be proof that there is life on other planets especially since we know that it is a fact that many life forms here on Earth live at the very depths of our oceans never surfacing for any needs at all. Life 2 adapts over billions of years to the living conditions of the planets. Maybe our planet is the only plant to adapted to human lives but that does not mean that every single other planet in this solar system has some type of live forms on it because over a long period of time those organisms would have adapted to the planet's conditions.


Bennett, J., Donahue, M., Schneider, N. & Voit, M. (2012) The essential cosmic perspective. (6th ed.) San Francisco, CA: Pearson Addison-Wesley

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